Darwin’s Journey: Oceania is live on Kickstarter
about 1 month ago
– Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 09:02:05 AM
Dear explorers,
Darwin’s Journey is a reflection of love and patience, and we are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and all the patience you had while we were working and improving the game design. Today,Darwin’s Journey is part of the TOP 100 on BoardGameGeek, an achievement we proudly dedicate to you. Thank you so much!
We are thrilled to announce Darwin’s Journey: Oceania, the latest expansion to the game, which islive on Kickstarter, this expansion promises new adventures and discoveries with the introduction of a new main board, dual-layer player boards, and a different way of thinking about strategies.
We have already unlocked 17 stretch goals, adding numerous exciting features to the expansion.
Visit our Kickstarter page for more information on what’s new!
As a returning backer, if you get Oceania you will receive the Golden Tent mini-expansion for free! Including a metal golden tent and a special action. The first time the tent is unlocked, it can be placed in any given tent space by paying the corresponding cost. For the second time forward, the tent is moving to a different location.
Let us know in the comments below if you are in!
Thank you again for your kind support and we hope to see you there.
Wishing you all the best,
Everyone at Thundergryph Games
More about Oceania, Trust Me and Komodo Dragon
4 months ago
– Wed, Oct 09, 2024 at 09:11:26 AM
Hello Explorers!
Since our last update, miles have passed under the keel of our ship and now we are sailing at full speed through our next big campaign for Oceania.
We can almost see land ahead since this new, exciting Kickstarter campaign will launch on January 7th, 2025.
To tease you a little bit, we will give you a sneak peek at this new expansion, but first, we want to turn your attention to the Island of Toys we are just about to coast.
As you may already know, our crazy Pledge What You Want campaign for Trust me is now live on Kickstarter and it is about to come to an end in just a few hours!
You can still jump in and get this strategic bluffing game for as low as 1€ and unlock these wonderful achievements with your pledge. You will receive your game in December 2024 since Trust Me is already produced.
Also, you can enter the pledge manager and get those expansions you have been looking for a long time, even the brand new Komodo Dragon expansion that we sold out on the first day at Essen Spiel!
Last but not least, did you see that? We are almost in the TOP 100 on BoardGameGeek! We are speechless, thank you so much. If you haven't voted yet, we would be very grateful if you take the time to let us know what you think about the game.
And now, ready your telescopes to see a glimpse of the new Oceania expansion
As you can imagine, new and extraordinary discoveries await, ready to be shared with the museum, unveiling nature's hidden wonders. Yet, the journey will not be easy. This is a hazardous land, where each step through its untamed beauty brings us closer to both marvels and peril.
That's it for today's update, but soon prepare for a full reveal and live stream!
As always, take care, and fair winds to all!
Everyone at Thundergryph Games
Darwin’s Journey on the Golden Geeks (cast your votes!)
10 months ago
– Fri, May 03, 2024 at 05:58:58 AM
Hello explorers,
A couple of months have passed since our last update when we teased Darwin’s Journey Oceania.
Darwin’s Journey jumped from TOP 150 to TOP 134 in Boardgamegeek and obtained the 80th place in the best strategy games of all time. We want to thank you once again for all your patience and support while we were working on this game, it is thanks to you that this game is getting recognition.
We just came back from the Tokyo Game Market with the good news that Darwin’s Journey was nominated to the 2023 Japan Boardgame Prize Voters' Selection Nominee and to the renowned Italian prize Goblin Il Magnifico, very exciting times for the game!
There are just a few days left to vote for your favorite Golden Geek Games on Board Game Geek!
We need your support as Darwin’s Journey has been nominated to three categories:
Heavy Game of the Year
Best Art Direction / Illustrations
Best Expansion (Fireland Expansion)
We appreciate your votes and we are ready to uncover a special gift if we win at least a Golden Geek Award!
In the next few weeks, we will be unveiling more information about the Oceania expansion that will launch on Kickstarter later this year.
Congrats to the winner of our photo contest that will be immortalized as a new character and the runners-ups!
Thanks for all your great support and talking again soon.
Sincerely yours,
Everyone here at Thundergryph Games
A sincere thank you and a surprise announcement
12 months ago
– Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 09:58:55 AM
Hello everyone, We hope you are well!
First of all congrats to our winners of the hand-signed card set of our previous update:
Colyavin, hoteltokyo, Tepo, BlackTaxus, Kellyke, KonkeyGong, Saphir, TheLappn, Jack Dryke, Haukeliseter. We will be reaching the winners by e-mail to request your address.
A bit of time has passed since we last talked, and a lot of things have happened! Darwin’s Journey has entered the top 150 games on BGG and we are so excited to have received new nominations and awards!
I traveled to Cannes for the As D’Or ceremony and while we didn’t take the win, I thought about how thankful I was to all of you for the incredible patience you had while we were working on improving this game.
We all hope that you are proud and that you are enjoying the game. If you have not voted on BGG yet, please rate the game as you see fit, it would help the game!
A new exciting expansion is in the works
We don’t want to spoil our surprise announcement but we can confirm that a new map and mechanisms are part of the new expansion. If you enjoyed the Fireland Expansion, this new one is for you. We expect to release it on Kickstarter this year with a great turnaround thanks to our reprinting times (the game is starting its 5th print run).
To celebrate, we are having a special event on our webpage with a few discounts and the possibility of becoming one of the characters in our next expansion. Don’t miss out!
A new evolving card game from Simone Luciani and Virginio Gigli
Darwin opened up a great opportunity for us to work on more complex games, and we are so excited to announce Etherstone, the evolving card game that has a similar combo feeling with a completely different game experience.
Draft a hand of 7 cards with countless combinations and experience a combo-chain card game of strategy.
If you decide to pledge for the game, we have a special gift for you, the limited edition Life Dial, only available for returning backers.
We hope you will be able to visit our Kickstarter page and give us your opinion in the comments below!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update and we look forward to talking to you soon!
Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games
Soundtrack, Survey, and win a hand-signed card set!
over 1 year ago
– Sat, May 27, 2023 at 09:02:16 AM
Hello everyone, how are you doing?
Before we touch on the news of this update, we want to thank you for all your kind comments on different forums and social networks. We hope you continue to enjoy Darwin's Journey for a long time.
We will talk about fulfillment and replacements, further down the update the soundtrack, the survey, and our special contest!
We apologize to those Norwegian backers who haven't received their game yet. In the month of March (with the required Customs documentation as it is not a country belonging to the EEC), all the packages left our warehouse in Barcelona. We were unaware that the warehouse in Germany was moving (a mandatory step for some northern European destinations). This created many problems: some packages were returned, others were relabeled and reached their destination, and the rest we consider lost. The situation has been improving in recent weeks and most Norwegian backers have finally received their game. If you have not received your package yet, we trust that within a week you will have it. Again, we apologize.
For our backers from Asia that have not received the game yet, all the packages have been sent from VFI to the different hubs. We know that the process has been slow but it has not depended on us but on the carrier, since as you know VFI received all the stock before the Chinese New Year. Clearly, VFI's workload did not help speed up the delivery process.
Replacement parts
We have prioritized all the replacement parts that could affect gameplay in some way, and we are processing these as soon as possible. We are still sending them, and if you haven't received your replacement yet, it's just a matter of a few days more. We appreciate your patience. Regarding damaged boxes, once the fulfillment is over we will evaluate it on a case-by-case basis. We tried to make the cardboard and packaging strong enough to protect the game, but there are factors beyond our control. Please take into account that the manufacturer does not send empty boxes for replacement. We have to open games, empty them and send the box. We appreciate your collaboration in not requesting a replacement if the damage is minor.
Answer our survey and win a hand-signed card set
We imagine many of you have tried the game or are about to try it for the first time.
We have created a very short survey where you can let us know what you think about a few aspects of the game to improve how we make games for the future.
If you want, you can share your email with us to participate in a drawing of 10 hand-signed card sets composed of three character cards you already know, but hand-signed by Simone Luciani, Nestore Mangone, and our dear illustrator, Paolo Voto.
We are leaving the survey open for a month so everyone has the chance to join. The survey will close on June 30th, 2023. This contest is available just to our Kickstarter backers.
Rate the game on BGG
If you have an account on BoardGameGeek, we would love to know what you think about the game over there. If you have the time, please take a couple of seconds to rate Darwin’s Journey from 1 to 10. It will help us and the game immensely.
Soundtrack is online!
If you like music as background for your gameplay, Meeple Music has created a soundtrack for Darwin’s Journey. The soundtrack is available in many different streaming formats that you can find in the list below.
If the results are positive, Meeple Music is thinking about creating additional tracks for the Fireland expansion soundtrack.
We hope you will enjoy it! Click the button below to visit Spotify or search for Darwin’s Journey (Original Soundtrack) on your favorite music streaming service.
Looking back at the campaign and thinking about how much time and how many things happened along the way, we can say it was really an exciting and fulfilling journey for us.
A sincere thank you from the team to all of you for your patience and kindness. This game is out there thanks to you!
The official street date for Darwin’s Journey is June 30th, but in a few European countries, the release is coming earlier. We are already planning our 2nd print and that’s great news!
Thank you so much for your kind support and we will be talking again soon!
Sincerely yours,
Everybody here at Thundergryph Games